如何成为一个体育教师物理编辑ucation Degrees in Iowa

物理编辑ucation Degrees in Iowa

Kids have tons of energy, and there’s no place that this is more obvious than school. When students have to sit for hours at a time, particularly while trying to concentrate on a difficult subject, they tend to fidget, get distracted, and struggle to retain information.

It’s important for students to get plenty of physical activity, both for their physical health and their academic performance. Physical education teachers employed by school districts all over Iowa creative engaging, age-appropriate curricula that help students get the most out of every day.



爱荷华州是许多倡议的家,旨在让孩子积极活跃,并使他们积极活跃。这爱荷华州Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance是新的和经验丰富的体育教师的优秀资源。

他们的使命声明,表明他们的目标enhance movement and fitness activities at schools throughout Iowa. Through this, they hope to encourage kids to lead healthy, active lifestyles and pursue lifelong learning opportunities. Their vision is high-quality health and physical education at every school in Iowa, taught by teachers who have been licensed in the field of physical education.

爱荷华州的教师有一个强有力的支持系统ll subjects. If you’re ready to get into the field of education, get more information on PE teacher degrees. Iowa schools can give you more information on teacher training programs throughout the state.




If you already have an undergraduate degree, consider looking into alternative certification options and graduate degree programs. For most students, a Bachelor’s degree in education can be completed in eight semesters of a full-time study.

During that time, plan on taking courses like:

  • 功能健身
  • Team Sports
  • Individual Sports
  • 体育策略设计K-12
  • Movement Exploration and Adapted Physical Education
  • 体育教学的原则和评估
  • 运动与健康的生理学
  • 小学体育
  • Health Methods and Curriculum
  • Motor Learning


这most substantial teaching experience in your program is student teaching. For one full semester, you work exactly like a licensed teacher does. You keep the same hours, attend after-school events, and create class materials. You receive feedback throughout your semester so that you can become a skilled, competent, independent teacher by graduation.

符合许可要求的教育部分后,您可以通过剩下的过程完成爱荷华州Board of Educational Examiners

这y require a current certificate of CPR training in addition to your degree. You may get licensed in grades K-8 physical education or grades 5-12 physical education. Each option has its own endorsement exam. When you submit your application, you must pay a $223 licensing fee and submit your transcripts.



As a new physical education teacher, you have to jump in with both feet to get acclimated to the world of education. Once you get a job and find out what classes you will be teaching, you may spend a significant amount of time developing teaching materials and curricular plans. You have to consider tests, student evaluations, state physical education standards, and federal education standards while planning your courses.

Salaries vary between school districts. The average salary for an Iowa elementary school teacher is $51,310 per year (劳工统计局,2016)。爱荷华州secondary school teachers earn an average of $51,180 per year (BLS,2016)。

If you’re ready to learn how to become a gym teacher, get started right now.使用下面的iowa学校列表来查找您附近的程序。联系他们以获取更多信息。
