HomeHow to Become a Physical Education TeacherPhysical Education Degrees in Rhode Island

Physical Education Degrees in Rhode Island

Though it is small in size, Rhode Island has a high population density and a growing community of young families. These families rely on teaching professionals to help kids succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. If you know that fitness is a key part of a well-rounded life and you want to spread your love of fitness to the people of Rhode Island, consider becoming a physical education teacher.

Physical education teacher degrees help you develop a broad set of skills to work with students of all ages.

Role of Educators with a Physical Education Degree in Rhode Island

If you’re considering learning how to become a PE teacher, take the plunge now.Check out Rhode Island program listings below and contact institutions near you.

Rhode Island has an active, supportive community of physical education professionals. They come together as theRhode Island Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. As a student, you can use their wisdom to get more out of your education and prepare for your career. When you start teaching physical education, this group can provide extra training, networking opportunities, and advocacy.

The long-term goals of this group include providing evidence-based physical education programs in all Rhode Island schools, helping physical education teachers become leaders in their schools, and getting the community involved in fitness programs.

Picking the right school is the first step in becoming a teacher.

Get started now with the list of Rhode Island programs below.

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Getting Your Physical Education Degree in Rhode Island

The process of becoming a physical education teacher is straightforward, but it does include many steps. Preparing ahead of time can help you save time and move swiftly through the process.

First, it’s all about your education. You need to graduate from an accredited teaching program to qualify for certification in physical education. You can earn a Bachelor’s degree at a variety of Rhode Island schools.

If you have already earned your Bachelor’s degree, consider a Master’s degree in physical education. However, in this case, you may still find that a Bachelor’s degree gives you the in-depth introduction to education that you need.

Bachelor’s degree programs include at least 120 credits, including theory courses, general education classes, and practicum courses that send you out into the community.

Commonly Offered Physical Education Courses

  • Fundamental Movement and its Analysis
  • Principles of Teaching Activity
  • Assessment in Health and Physical Education
  • Kinesiology
  • Organization and Administration of Physical Education Programs
  • Motor Skill Development for Lifetime Wellness
  • Teaching in Adventure Education
  • Student Teaching in Physical Education

Physical education curricula are designed to be sequential in nature, meaning that you must take courses in a certain order to get as much as possible from them. At specific points in your education, you get involved in local schools. You may observe gym teachers, teach programs, and build connections with students.

This can help you get introduced to different school districts and get a clear picture of where you would like to work after graduation. When it comes to PE teacher degrees, RI emphasizes the importance of experience.

In your final semester of student teaching, you work with your intended grade level and eventually take over all teaching responsibilities. Students who do well may even be able to work in their student teaching school after graduation.

Throughout this process, you may find that you become more passionate about the field of physical education. When you work with students, you see firsthand how a reliable physical education program can change their health and their lives.

Talk to teachers in other subjects to find out how physical education improves student behavior, focus, and concentration.

Working with a Physical Education Degree in Rhode Island

Finally, you can use your physical education degree to apply for certification in Rhode Island. TheRhode Island Department of Educationrequires two licensure exams. The first is the Praxis II Physical Education Content Knowledge test. Second, you must choose the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching test, focusing on grades K-6 or grades 7-12.

When you start your teaching career, you may find that there is a bit of a learning curve in this field. Plan on spending your first year asking questions, getting advice from veteran teachers, and changing your plans to suit student needs.

Salaries in Rhode Island tend to be higher than national averages. You may want to compare options at different districts when you start applying for jobs. Currently, the average salary for an elementary school teacher is $68,330 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Secondary school teachers bring in an average of $66,580 per year (BLS, 2016).

Physical health is a key part of education, but it’s also an essential part of students’ lifelong health and well-being. Dedicate your career to education and see the effect you have on Rhode Island students.

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