

Teaching Jobs in Phoenix


If you are considering how you can be a part of this growth, you may consider teaching in Phoenix as the best way to go about that. Phoenix currently is home to 325 public schools and over 200 private and charter schools spanning thirty districts. If you wish to pursue teaching jobs in Phoenix, you will find that there are quite a few colleges that can begin to help you achieve that goal. Take some time to look at the listing of schools to get started.




You may also take into consideration that some specialized fields of education may suit you better than others. For example, you might look towards early childhood education as a specialized field of interest. Some schools have intricate departments devoted to the field, such as Phoenix College and the University of Phoenix early childhood education department.

If you’re already established as a teacher, you may consider alternative routes to attain more certification from various institutions. Some already make their programs flexible in that regard, such as the University of Phoenix’s Masters in education program. Afterwards, it’s also helpful to get in contact with groups of established teaching professionals such as the Arizona Educational Association and the Arizona Professional Educators which can aid you in networking efforts and can guide you to other resources such as grants. These grants can provide great assistance to you while you undertake your studies, and can be incorporated in many of the programs you may study like the aforementioned University of Phoenix’s early childhood education program.




  • Kindergarten teachers: $42,920 (BLS, 2017)
  • 小学教师:43,730美元(BLS,2017)
  • Secondary school teachers: $50,360 (BLS, 2017)

