学位Educational Specialist印第安纳州

Education Specialist Degrees in Indiana


An Ed.S degree could be the solution you need. This degree goes one step beyond a Master’s degree without requiring the intensive research of a PhD. If you want to learn more about reaching your full potential as a teaching professional, check out our list of Indiana Ed.S programs below.

Role of Educators With an Ed.S Degree in Indiana


Due to the highly specialized nature of this degree, your expertise may be helpful in navigating complex educational issues that arise. In 2016, Indiana legislators decided to get rid of ISTEP, a controversial student test that they decided did not accurately reflect students’ knowledge (IndyStar, 2016)。课程专家和管理员是此类问题中最重要的声音。

此外,前进的教育可能会帮助您解决印第安纳州的老师短缺。在印第安纳州实施的解决方案包括教师奖学金,教师指导和更好的好处(Chalkbeat Indiana, 2016)。如果你去管理或leadership, you may be able to add suggestions that directly address some of the issues that teachers have.

As an education specialist, you serve as an example for your community and other teachers. Take the first step by contacting Ed.S programs.


印第安纳州is home to many schools with education specialist programs, so don’t be afraid to take your time contacting schools, evaluating choices, and selecting the school that you believe can propel your career forward.

At some schools, the educational specialist degree is combined with a Master’s degree for a total of 60 to 70 credits. However, if you already have a Master’s degree in education, this may drop to 30 to 40 credits. One of the first things you do is select an area of specialty. For many students, this is a chance to push the boundaries and get certified in another area. However, even if you stay in your current teaching area, the experience you get at this level is invaluable.

Some of the options available at Indiana universities and colleges for Ed.S. programs include:

  • School Administration
  • Educational Psychology
  • 学校监督
  • 数学教育
  • 教育领导
  • 基本版ucation
  • 课程研究

The area of specialty you select determines what courses you take, how many credits you must complete, and what type of practical experience you get. If you select school administration, you may enroll in courses like:

  • District Curriculum Leadership
  • Leading Schools to Be Culturally Responsive
  • 高级学校金融
  • 基于标准的研究论文


  • Psychological Consultation
  • 个人认知评估
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research
  • Statistical Methods in Educational and Psychological Research
  • 咨询的理论和技术


Be sure to factor practical experience into your timeline. If you choose a teaching specialty, this may come in the form of classroom experience and student teaching. If you select a specialty like school psychology or administration, you need to rapidly gain a large amount of experience in a short time. You may meet your requirements through clinical rotations, principalship opportunities, and practicum courses. You may be able to meet these requirements at your current place of employment, depending on how demanding your teaching career is and what other obligations you have during the day.

The benefits of this degree are diverse and widespread. Advancing your education may give you greater job satisfaction and give you confidence in your teaching skills. Your students may enjoy more personalized education and more engaging learning opportunities. Your district may be able to meet several goals with your skills, saving them money.


Working With an Education Specialist Degree in Indiana

The future of your career may change after you complete this degree. If you earn an education specialist degree Indiana in a field that changes your career path, you need to seek additional licensure through the印第安纳州State Board of Education。这包括添加特殊教育认证,成为管理员,成为课程开发人员或更改您教授的年级。


  • 学校管理员:预期增长10%;$ 82,610平均工资(BLS,,,, 2016
  • 教学协调员:预期增长12%;$ 60,020平均工资(BLS,,,, 2016
  • 小学老师:9% expected growth; $ 49,250平均工资(BLS,,,, 2016

This degree was developed by education experts in response to a growing need for specialists and leaders. As a graduate, be ready to serve as a leader in the Indiana teaching community. This may involve becoming active in local associations, mentoring new teachers, and advocating for teachers in legislation. Look into local groups like the印第安纳州State Teachers Association印第安纳州中层教育协会

